
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Theory of Everything

 A cademia could theorize the life out of anything it wanted- texts, digital media, food consumption, critically examine train timetables, and music charts, or read the cooked egg as a feasible example of versatility- I believe it could do anything but theorize the existence of the liberated human wayfarer, suspended between two places inside a railway coach, carrying 'home' and the 'world' around with them as tangible points in fluidity.  We are an eccentric lot. We have tea and Austen in the morning, selections of Bukowski, rice and lentils in the afternoon, consume Kafka, Ray, and Marx as appetizers before full course meals of Spivak, Gramsci, or Hooks. We infiltrate years of historical, lived experiences of global communities into hurried ten-minute papers at graduate conferences, and cringe at political 'in'correctness from the ornate archways of paid academic erudition.  And on weekends, we try and salvage our lives from the tangled mess of ugly academic j