
Showing posts from May, 2020

THE END: Transphobic Content, Why We Protested, and Why Everyone Should

A single roast video. Breaking records. Trending on social media. Most-liked non-musical video. And boom, it's deleted. What was the next thing, you suppose? Of course, protests. Why has the video been deleted? Why has an innocent creator been framed for cyberbullying? Blah blah. My question: What exactly triggered such a large group of people to raise their voice against a roast video that a famous content creator put up on YouTube? A one-word answer to this would be 'homophobia', synonymous with 'hate'. Homophobia has stopped existing as a 'phobia' to me. It's just pure hate and intolerance. Anyways, back to roasting. While the LGBTQ+ community has been blamed for the mass protests leading to the video being deleted, let's make it clear why it was logical for everyone , not only the Queer community to have protested. What I expected from the video was something humorous on the laughable and absurd content ' some ' content cre

The Trans Warrior in the Mahabharata

Did you know who caused the death of Bhisma, the Kuru prince and son of Ganga in the epic war at Kurukshetra? Bhisma was given the boon of Icchya Mrityu by his father, by which, he could embrace death whenever he wanted to. Hence, this boon made him invincible; he could be defeated by no warrior. When the war was decided between the two armies, the Kauravas and the Pandavas, Bhisma decided to fight the battle against the Pandavas. Being bound to protect the kingdom of Hastinapur by an oath, he took the side of the Kaurava army in the Kurukshetra war. The Pandava brothers realized that with a mighty warrior like Bhisma on the side of the Kauravas, victory was hard to attain. They had to lure Bhisma away from the battlefield. Amidst this Bhisma informed Yudhisthir, the oldest of the Pandavas, that his cause of death was to be Shikhandi, the Dhrupad princess, sister of Draupadi. Chauvinism in the Mahabharata- The Princess Who Stood Against the Warriors  The story of Amba : Amb