
Showing posts from September, 2021

And You Say You Never Pirated Music

Long before Spotify began bombarding us with its corny, annoying ads, consumption of music was supplemented by the many music piracy sites, many of which no longer exist.  Just the other day, I was decluttering an old, 8GB memory card when I came across the 'My Music' folder. Opening it felt like being greeted with the same feeling of ecstasy that hits you when you discover an old DVD from a pile of dusty old souvenirs. I gladly dived into its wistful warmth, scrolling through the tons of tracks in the folder, downloaded from various websites (some with rather strange names), spanning across different genres, artists, and of course, file sizes.  The lack of interminable internet availability back in middle school meant that I had to consistently stock up on offline downloads for those midnight jamming sessions on my old Nokia Lumia.  Y outube to Mp3 was a hot favorite. Often long minutes of searching (in vain) for the  right  download button on mp3 piracy sites would force the